Eleanor Roosevelt:

The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experiences.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

LOL The Sesame Street Quiz

You Are Bert

Extremely serious and a little eccentric, people find you loveable - even if you don't love them!

You are usually feeling: Logical - you rarely let your emotions rule you

You are famous for: Being smart, a total neat freak, and maybe just a little evil

How you life your life: With passion, even if your odd passions (like bottle caps and pigeons) are baffling to others
LOL This is so not me :)

Proud as Punch

I am very proud at the moment of lots of things.

First i just want to give a huge big hugs and kisses to Becks!! I love ya to bits girl and i am so proud of you with your motivation and energy levels to finally have a plan and know that it is going to work for you to lose your weight that you need to lose. Keep going girl and if you ever feel down just think that its all going to be worth it in the end :)

Secondly i am proud of me!! I have been a non lazy person this week to a certain degree. I have been into the gym once this week and i walked into town this morning and back again. And i tell you there are some bloody big hills i walked up. i will have to get a photo and pushing a pram didn't help at all... I think ready everyone elses blogs and seeing how motivated everyone has been its made me think i better get of my arse and start doing some stuff..

Thirdly im proud of my lil boy seb!! He is just learning things every day! today a i have about 11 steps at the front of my house and i count to him each time we go up and down them he started doing it on his own. i would say 1 and he said 2 and i said 3 and he said 4 all the way up to six.. very cleaver of him.... its exciting that things are starting to stick in his head :)

Well i don't have to work until later tomorrow morning so going to have a sleep in since seb has not been sleeping.... i am looking forward to a non breaking sleep tonite!! its hard having broken sleep and then having to go to work i tell yas!!

Well have a good nite everyone and talk soon


Thursday, February 22, 2007

The joys of being a woman

So im feeling flat at the moment with that time of the month and i tell ya! i so didn't miss it when i was pregnant :) I so preffered the buldging belly even though at times it was uncomfortable.

I am waiting for these thunder storms to happen..... if they happen!!! we had lightening and thunder last nite with a lil shower of rain but that was it!! It would be nice to have some rain here in Bendigo!! We surely need it!!

I had a date with beck and bradman yesterday and we went to kid city i wish i had the camera... but that place rocks... you take your kid they run free or like seb get out and go and play in the beach volley ball pit :) but it wears them out like nothing else.. even though seb still faught his sleep and wanted me to lay with him, he slept for 3 hours :) arrrgghhh 3 hours of bliss!!! i tried to have a sleep myself but ummm that didn't happen!!!!

i was going to go away this weekend and spend the weekend with my big bro in melbs but decided against it! i decided a weekend at home having a tidy up is on the hands... i have lots of paper work filed( well not filed) that i need to sort out and what a way to spend my weekend.. :) doing that!!! Get it over and done with and then i don't have to worry about it again :)

I have bursts of energy and go on a rampage and clean and clean i don't know where the energy comes from but it comes from somewhere and then all of a sudden you just hit a rock and its gone.. Like me and the gym i have a burst of energy i hit the gym and then Blaaahhhh i don't see the place for a month :) I am looking forward to having the next couple of weeks with less work hours even though i will miss the money but i will have some time to me... i will be able to go to the gym in the morning before i go to work in the afternoon or vice versa it will be nice and i will be able to pick my son up from creche which i can't even remember the last time i did that so i am looking forward to spending some precious time with my son!! He has been very clinging lately and i think he misses me.. i complained about adam not spending enough time with his son when we were together and look im doing the same thing, i hardly see him anymore because of work! so when i do see him he doesn't want to sleep in his own bed he wants to sleep with mum and has to make sure he is touching my face or one of his feet is touching me somewhere.. arrgghhh the joys of children :)

Well i dont' have to start work until a bit later tomorrow morning so i get a lil sleep in :)

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Fluid Retention

Dr Milne is in the house...

i had a comment about fluid retention so i do a lil research and found the following. I hope you find it uselful

Fluid retention

Fluid regularly leaks into body tissues from the blood. The lymphatic system is a network of tubes throughout the body that drains this fluid (called lymph) from tissues and empties it back into the bloodstream.

Fluid retention (oedema) occurs when the fluid isn’t removed from the tissues. The two broad categories of fluid retention include generalised oedema, when swelling occurs throughout the body, and localised oedema when particular parts of the body are affected. The wide range of causes includes the body’s reaction to hot weather, a high salt intake, and the hormones associated with the menstrual cycle.

However, it’s recommended that you see your doctor rather than self-treat, because oedema can be symptomatic of serious medical conditions such as heart, kidney or liver disease. SymptomsSymptoms of fluid retention can include:

Swelling of affected body parts
Feet, ankles and hands are commonly affected
The affected body parts may ache
The joints may feel stiff
Rapid weight gain over a few days or weeks
Unexplained weight fluctuations
When pressed, the skin may hold the indent for a few seconds (pitting oedema)
In other cases, the skin may not indent when pressed (non-pitting oedema).A wide range of common causes

A wide range of common causesSome of the many common causes of fluid retention include:
Gravity - standing up for long periods of time allows fluid to ‘pool’ in the tissues of the lower leg.
Hot weather - the body tends to be less efficient at removing fluid from tissues during the summer months.

Burns - including sunburn. The skin retains fluid and swells in response to burn injuries.
Menstrual cycle - some women experience oedema in the two weeks prior to menstruation.
Pregnancy - hormones encourage the body to hold onto excess fluid.
The Pill - oral contraceptives that include oestrogen can trigger fluid retention.
Dietary deficiency - such as insufficient protein or vitamin B1 (thiamine) in the diet.
Medications - certain drugs, including high blood pressure medication (antihypertensives), corticosteroids and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are known to cause fluid retention.
Chronic venous insufficiency - weakened valves in the veins of the legs fail to efficiently return blood to the heart. The pooling of blood can result in varicose veins.

Treatment optionsDepending on the cause, treatment may include:

A low salt diet
Diuretics (water pills)
Treatment for the underlying medical condition: for example, hormone replacement (thyroxine) in the case of hypothyroidism
Lifestyle changes in response to the underlying medical condition: for example, avoidance of alcohol if liver disease is the cause
Changes to medication or dosage, if drugs are the cause
Dietary adjustments, if malnutrition is the cause
Ongoing medical supervision
Aids such as support stockings.

Self-care options

Mild fluid retention can be helped in the following ways:

Reduce the amount of salt in your diet; for instance, don’t add salt during the cooking process and stop salting your meals at the table. Avoid foods like potato chips and salted peanuts. Be wary of processed foods such as manufactured meats, which tend to contain ‘hidden’ salt.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is thought to help in cases of mild fluid retention. Good sources of vitamin B6 include brown rice and red meat.

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), calcium and vitamin D help the body to excrete excess fluids.

Include fresh fruits and low fat dairy foods in your daily diet.

Supplements may help in the case of fluid retention caused by the menstrual cycle: for example calcium, magnesium, manganese, evening primrose oil and chaste tree.

Herbal diuretics include dandelion leaf, corn silk and horsetail.

Make sure to discuss the use of supplements with your doctor or health care professional, particularly if you are on any type of medication.

Drink plenty of water. It may sound contradictory, but a well-hydrated body is less likely to retain fluid.

Cut back on dehydrating drinks such as tea, coffee and alcohol.

Cranberry juice has a mild diuretic action.

Lie down with your legs higher than your head, when possible.

Exercise regularly.

Wear support stockings.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Soft Drink

The other day Beck and I were talking about coffee and soft drink, and why it is not good for us.

I had done some research and found this site which explains a little. But also from my knowledge since starting my job i learnt that every cup of coffee and tea that we have we dehydrate our body half a litre of water! to every 30kgs you are you should have 1 ltr of water...

Check this site out its vert interest

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day EveryBody

Happy Valentines Day everybody. I hope everyone has had a fantastic day, and has been spoilt rotten by their partners.

As being a single, i have had a great day too! I spent a couple of hours with Beck and Bradman at her beautiul unit! I love the energy in that place and it suits Becks to a Tee :) Bradman and Seb had lots of fun making a mess with Lunch and also playing around the house.

Well its been bloody hot here and im off for a walk tonite when it gets a bit cooler :) Off to the gym tomorrow morning as i don't have to work! which is great :) well everyone enjoy the rest of your day and make the most of being spoilt :)


Thursday, February 08, 2007

Im Proud

I just got back from the gym :) 45 minute cardio work out and I feel good! Can tick that off

I didn't have to work this morning which was great! Im looking forward to the new girl starting work as that means my hours will get cut back which means more time for me.

I now just have to endure my PT session on sunday but i am looking forward to that as my brother will be joining me.

I hope everyone has a good weekend and everyone keep up the good work!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Ok so i went into the gym tonite.. Yes Yes i did for the first time in about 4 weeks or maybe longer! :) And i got told to do pump umm yes so i did and well i think i will be paying for it.. not only has it been the first real work out i have done, i was doing really lite weights and no weights in the lung track as i hate lunges and i nearly threw up!! My god how unfit am I???? I had my massage afterwards and it killed me, but i am feeling sorry for myself right now.. im sore all over and i thought that massage mite of helped me :) ummm NOT!!!

I feel good though i got on the scales today at the gym and have gone back to 77 kgs so i am now determined more than ever to get rid of this weight and get my arse into the gym!!! i have to make time for it no matter what i have to make time to exercise!!! and get myself fit.. so my gym bag is packed and im going tomorrow lunch time also!! i hate doing things during my lunch break but for the sake of my body and my quiet time at home im going... im going, im going im going to force myself!

I have the house to myself tonite which has been nice, Prison Break has just finished and i should actually be going to bed for work tomorrow, but for some reason i am not tired at all... not one yawn not even itchy eyes :)

So my goal this week at work was to go the gym i have achieved that :)

Gym - 45 minutes of Body PUMP

I am going to set myself lil goals every sunday and im going to achieve them!

Im so proud of myself for going to the gym today its a start in the right direction i now have to stay focused!!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Well, today was the first time i actually done any sort of exercise in ummmmm i can't remember! Alli and Seb and I went for a walk tonite, it was actually nice :) i felt good!!! Also on Sunday my brother and I are having a PT down at the lake which i am looking forward too! Its a few baby steps to help me get back on track! I am going to the gym tomorrow too which i am looking forward to as i have not been there for so long, and thought since i am getting a massage tomorrow i will go to gym first then get a rub down!! i shouldn't be so sore the next day. well i will wait and see :)

Well just a quick post OC on
