Eleanor Roosevelt:

The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experiences.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Welcome to July

Welcome to July. End of financial year and the start of the new one... Tax Time!! I LOVE!!!! and welcoming the rain!!! SOoo i have microsoft money on my computer and i have decided that this financial year i am going to see how much i spend and what on etc etc!! taking control of my finances :) About time i do that i think!! Im excited about do this because it will be interesting to see where i spend my money! i think sebastyn, but you just never know!

Lee and Taj just left and that was lovely too see them!! the boys always run a muck when they are together. I vaccumed and mopped the house yesterday! and ummmmm you can't tell :)

Well i hope that everyone has had a good weekend and relaxed and ready for another working week! I am going to be starting a new program at the gym ill fill you in more when i know all the details!! Help me to reach my goals!!

Cut My Head Off!! PLEASE

I want someone to cut my head off. I know our body only gives us enough pain that we can deal with but right now i am over this sore throat! i have had it for about a week now, well basically since i gave up the ciggas soo 2 weeks really!! and its frustrating me!!! i have now started garglling the salt to try and get rid of whatever infection i have there!!

My sister and nephew are coming to play with seb and i tomorrow and i am sooo looking forward to seeing them both since its been soooo long!!!!

Last nite Ails and I went out for tea at barzurk!! it was so yum!! anthony Munden was in town and we were going to go see him but an early nite called us both!!

then an 8am message from ails this morning that she forgot to send me last nite, woke me and i was out of bed and in at the gym by 8.30am!!! a hour cardio workout to start the day was awesome and then some shopping for the soul!!! brought two jumpers and a workout top for the gym!!!

And i just have to end this post with go BOMBERS~!!!!!

Have an awesome rest of the weekend everyone!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Body Change

My body is going through some huges changes right now, and god damn can i feel it!
As you all know i work at a chiropractor and in the last week I think i have had an adjustment nearly every day! Giving up the smoking, and getting rid of all these chemicals out of my body, is making it all scooo wifff!!!!

I am having some serious issues with my lower back and legs at the moment, so i have booked in for a massage today hoping that this will help eleviate some of the pain that i am feeling at the moment! I am wondering when this cough will go away also! i think if i cough anymore i am going to cough my lungs up!!! My sense of smell has come back... i can't believe it!! Its so funny when you smoke you don't smell smoke on someone, but adam came around the other nite, after being at a mates places and i was like grose you smell like smoke go away!!!

Soo yesterday was my first day at the gym!! And i did just take it easy as i need to get my back right and need to stop coughing before i go bullet a gate and work myself so hard i can't walk :) hehehe........ I felt really good about exercising, and i have missed it!!! I weighed myself, and i have put my current weight on the blog for you all to see. I am basically start from scratch again!!! but this time its going to be maintained..

Sooo today i am suppose to be going for a walk with Sebastyn, but the sky doesn't look very healthy right now, and i don't own a rain coat!!! I might sneak into the gym before my massage tonite!

Monday, June 25, 2007

The Power of Compliments!

Sooo i went through and did my weight and my measurements, and im pretty disguisted with myself! But i am now on the right path......

I was telling my bosses yesterday how i now have 4 months to get my arse into gear because im sick of feeling like shit and looking like a plump right now, and one of my bosses said to me i just wanted to tell you that i was looking at our website on the weekend(our work one) and how lovely we think you look in it. I didn't know what to say!!! i was like aww thanks. Then she went on to say we were going to sit down with you and tell you that its time you start looking after yourself... but after what i had told her about getting my arse into gear they didn't need to.

So i have now got a little book that i am taking to work with all my dates, goals, and plan for them to have for me, and make me accountable for doing my tasks!!! By having my goals and dates written down it makes it achievable for me.. by not putting a date down for having my goals achieved it could happen when ever.. but having the date I KNOW i have to do it!!

Anyway i just thought it was nice getting a compliment from my bosses who i didn't think would do something like that! Its nice to have someone out of the blue tell you that you look lovely!!! Its always from someone that never expect!!!

Sooooo watch out blog world. Ness is on her way!!!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

My Best Friends Wedding!

My Best Friends Wedding is coming up at the start of November which gives me 4 months basically to get my arse into gear!

I have been lazy and not motivated about getting the body i want! I have now quit smoking which is the first step for me to get my body healthy! Today is 7 days since i last had a smoke. It has been easy this time! i think my big test will be when i go out again! which won't be for a while because i am giving up the grog also!

My body has been going through detox the last week! I don't know how much more my lungs can cough up. I think i will be coughing my lungs up soon.

So my aim by the end for today is going to have all my measurements done, and I will weigh myself at work tomorrow, and to have a program worked out that i shall follow to help me get my arse back into the gym and get my body to where i want it to be!!

Its time to kick some arse, this has dragged on for way to long. My frame of mind is where it needs to be, i just need all my friends to keep me going and to support me. If i am being lazy kick my arse :)

So on that note ill leave you with this quote today;

"It is not how much you do, but how much love you put in the doing."

Friday, June 22, 2007

Deep & Meaningful

We have just done some new quotes for our walkbox at work and i was reading through them and there was one that just clicked with me and i had to share it.

Until today, you may have beeing waiting for someone to tell you something or give you something that would make you feel ok. Just for today give yourself permission to be ok with yourself. Accept that who you are and where you are is just right. Iyanta Vanzant

I read this quote and i cried. It really hit my heart with some issues that i have been trying to deal with. For so long i have been wanting a certain person in my life to tell me how proud they are of me, and that i have done a great job raising sebastyn and they are proud of my achievements and who i am today! and i read this quote and it hit me, I don't need there approval, because as long as i believe in my heart that i have done everything to the best of my ability thats all that should matter!

It would be nice to hear it from that person, but everything in life is balanced. Just because they don't tell me i hear it from other people, but i have not been acknowledging it because i have been thinking its not the same. Does that make sense.

So one quote has been a real eye opener for me and has put alot of things in perspective.

One that note i am going to leave you with this beautiful picture of Sebastyn doing cool dude. (wearing my beanie)

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Mobile Phone

My darling son decided to drop my mobile phone in a cup of water so please could you email me your phone numbers to ness@aanet.com.au

Cheers Ness

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Sweet Child of Mine!!! Not

Ok so today is my day off where i am suppose to relax and enjoy the day with sebastyn and do a little plodding around the house!! LOL!!! Well my dear child decided at 12am this morning that it wasn't time to sleep it was time to watch DVD's and scream and scream and scream some more! Soo about 4.30am he decided that it was time to finish watching dvds and go to sleep.. Finally well i thought ok you have not slept for 4 hours you will sleep in in the morning hahahahahaha fat chance of that happening at 8am he was wide awake bright as a button!!!

Im glad one of us was! Soo we went out in the cold and did some shopping then i had my review at work this afternoon and i asked De if she could please adjust him and my god you should of seen the leg length difference he had i am not joking it was about 3 CMS which is huge!! which also would be causing some discomfort for him! Sooo right now he is sleeping, while i update my blog and smell the lamb roast that i am cooking for tea which should be ready soon!

Off to seb's nans tonite where he will have a sleep over, and i will get a good night rest and be able to enjoy Prison Break in Peace. at about 3pm this afternoon i was about to put him on a plane to his fathers for the rest of the week! He is going through terrible 2's alright.

I was a little bit thrown aback today! i got a phone call from my gym to say i have not been in for a while.. well hello as if i didn't know that! I just thought are you desperate or something?? I will come in when im bloody ready too! Im finding it really hard to get motivated at the moment and I think thats because i got some issues i need to deal with, which im not ready to deal with which is why im holding back going to the gym! arggghhhh *sighs*

i think thats about it for now! stay safe everyone and ill leave you with this fact.

every 24 hours our body grows 34mm of hair

Monday, June 18, 2007


Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. You need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog!

(1) At every sink in my house i have hand wash
(2) I am addicted to Jaga Bombs (hehehehe)
(3) My favourite colour is red
(4) My ultimate goal is to own a porsche
(5) I can't sit still
(6) I am missing my family
(7) I need a holiday!!

And I tag whoever :)

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Okkkkk.. so i admit it!! i am a self proclaimed alcoholic right now :) If i stopped drinking i would probably lose 5 kgs! Im having a good time right now! i am enjoying going out and i am enjoying getting myself drunk and feeling shit the next day and waking up and wanting maccas or fish and chips as my hang over cure!! I am enjoying dancing and getting home at 6am in the morning! Is it right? probably not? am i hurting anyone? Yes.... myself so who has to live with that?? ME!!! I do!!!

I feel like i have gone off the rails! i admit that! i feel like i have got to a point in my life where i don't give a fuck anymore about anything..... I am feeling insecure about myself again, and who am I, and what i want out of life and where i want my life to go!! Its time for some soul searching again, where how and when i will do that, i don't know! My time is very limited right now, i find it hard to even have time to scratch my own arse.

I was saying to bekkie today!!! i am so tired and where has the me time gone??? LOL out the window!!!! My weeks with seb are my weeks with seb, my weeks without seb, i drink, go out catch up with my mates, and work, and i don't have my me time!!! am i making sense? I am missing my me time, but i don't like being alone right now!!! I don't want to be alone right now!! Maybe im scared because that soul searching will start when i am by myself, my brain will start thinking and i don't think i am ready for the answers just yet, because deep down i know what they are going to be and im not ready to face it!!

My head is so jumbled right now! My perspective on so many things is very fuzzy, I honestly thought that I was on track of things and knew the direction i wanted to take! Mmmmmm i have hit that fork in the road and don't know which way to go!!!

Something will happen and it will all become clear again i know, but until then, 1800 rehab/ show me the way......... is on the cards!! LOL!!!