Eleanor Roosevelt:

The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experiences.

Friday, March 09, 2007

I feel sorry for myself

Im feeling very sorry for myself at this point in them. its nearyl ten after about 6 hours sleep and mixing drinks, im not feeling to healthy!!! i think im going to have a day of lazing on the couch and having a bath and doing jack shit!! i had a pretty awesome nite last nite, went out with some friends then went to my friends brooke house who had been up 30 hours straight so wasn't really up for going out!! so we had some drinks at her house and then i convinced her to come out with me for an hour after two drinks i wasn't really in the mood and she looked buggered so we went home!! But im feeling the effects this morning of having beer , udl beer udl... and i am suppose to do this all again tonite!! Will be interesting..

Ummmm things aren't too good on the home front at the moment. My bro is having some problems with his girlfriend who is suppose to be moving in here, so because they not talking he is being all dark and shit on me which i don't really like, but at this point in time i have not had a chance to talk to him and tell him to fucking stop his shit with me!! I hate when he is like this with me, because he my lil bro and i love him heaps and i hate that he can't talk to me... He will when he is ready but i wanted him to talk to me about it last nite and he told me to go away :(

Anyways just finishing my milo that is slowly going down. Think i might go and lay back on the couch and be a bludge. ohh i have to go out at some stage, i brought this cute top yesterday at target buttt ummmm its one of those puffy ones, and i need a belt for it because without a belt it makes me look 9 months pregnant!!!! i will try and get a photo of me in it tonite and post it!!

Have a gooooddd long weekend everyone!!! take care on the roads as already this morning about 3 abos and fire truck have gone past my house.



Chris H said...

Sorry to hear you are feeling a bit seedy, and things not too smooth with your brother... give him time to get over his huff ... and be ever so thankful he is around! Both my brothers have died in tragic accidents and I'd give my right leg to have them back.. in a shitty with me even !

The Candid Bandit said...

Rule 1/ Don't blog drunk

Rule 2/ If you do, don't press publish.

Kidding Nessa, Im sorry to hear about your brother being so cranky. He needs to deal with it before she moves in cause you and I both know that it will make your lovely household horrible.

Now, did ya have ta mention Milo. :( LOL