Eleanor Roosevelt:

The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experiences.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Dear Beck

Well its been a while since we have caught up and I have some funny news for you.

Last year as you know when we went and watch Lion King. And you know how you took me shopping and I got the knee highs! Well guess what i have just discovered? That they are two different shoes. *LOL* I laughed so hard, and thought to myself how blonde was I? and how blonde was I not to notice? One is a bit longer, shinnier and has a sort of added bit of leather and the other is just plain! But you can't really tell unless your having a good look.

So there you go, next time ill try and take more notice!


Sunday, April 23, 2006

"I love you Sebastyn"

I had the best weekend this weekend, and the scariest weekend all at once. I went on an adventure.

My friend sheree and my Personal Trainer asked me to go camping with her, her partner and some friends and i thought yeah why not that would be cool!

So Saturday morning she was having a garage sale and I went around and helped her, that was an experience in itself! But it was fun and meet some lovely old people.

Then we headed off for Aireys Inlet, on the otherside of Torquay.

We stopped in Malmsbury on the way at the Bakery... Never again will i be going to that place!! Charging us for sitting down and eating and didn't even tell us that there was a surcharge until I told them that i think that we had been over charged.

Sheree was given the impression that we were a hop skip and jump away from the beach, so we were like sweet we can get up in the morning and go for a walk along the sand!! Mmmmm well men and impressions!! 2o minutes later out of aireys inlet in the middle of no where amongst some beautiful reserve, along dirt track, after a few turns we hit camp :)

I was so glad to just get there. It had been such a long trip but worth it :)

So I had a ride on the back of a motor bike which was awesome. I used to ride a farm bike when I was younger, which is a bit different to a dirt bike but it was good to get on one again. I think im hooked :)

Then some guys decided that they would go 4WD. and i was like sweet can i go can i go! Well i bloody hell wish i didn't go!! I seriously thought i was going to die! I have been 4WD driving before, but not at night and nothing like this! While we were gone it started raining and the tracks got wet and slippery and we didn't have any idea where we were, luckly Mark had a GPRS!!! We went up a track that was a dead end, then another that the 4WD couldn't even make it up!! So reversing down a hill that you coudln't see was pretty frightening, especially when you don't know where your going and don't know where you going to turn around! For me i hated not being able to see where we were going. I hate that, i was sitting in the back the whole time going "i love you sebastyn" and that the first thing i was going to do when we got back to camp was give sheree the biggest cuddle! Which I did

The next day Mark said to me that they went for a motorbike ride on the tracks that we drove up and he said that if he could of seen where we were going he wouldn't of gone! He said one of the tracks had a huge steep drop at the side!! Awwwwwwww was so glad to still be alive!! I definately got my work out for that hour. My heart rate i swear was going hundred miles an hour!!
An exerpience that i will never forgot and next time be bit more weary before i ask if i can go.

My first official day at work today, i don't go in until the afternoon. I have scripts that i should be practising, but i have been practising them all weekend and feel i know them pretty well!! Suppose i will find out when i go to work today and they test me.

Well off to have a shower and get ready for my big day.

Weigh in Week 11 & Week 12

I haven't updated my weight situation in the past couple of weeks so i thought i would

Week 11 I was 79 kilo and my body fat was 43% so i had a gain which wasn't surprising after the huge losses i had the weeks before..

Week 12 I was 78 kilo and 42.5% body fat so i had a loss...Im feeling so confident about myself and so good about myself. I think getting this job has really helped me! It will be difficult for me to exercise as much now, but i will get 2 hour lunch breaks on a couple of my working days so I will pop into the gym then and work out and do my PT's with sheree.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Yes I got a job.. all in one day!! My God!!!! i am so excited!! about bloody time!!!

I am going to be working for a chiropratic firm in Bendigo. Working 3 and half days a week!! But long days :)

My resume was sent this afternoon, i had a little phone interview then went in for a interview tonite then got a call tonite to say i had the job.


Tuesday, April 18, 2006

First Ever Family Holiday

Soooo Happy Easter everyone :) I had an awesome weekend until i woke up this morning and noticed that i didn't have a wallet. I had it in the back of Sebs pram and now its gone. We were at the stawell gift yesterday and that was the last place i had it so i have either dropped it somewhere or it was taken! So all of this morning i have been out cancelling cards and getting new ones getting a new licence!! Awwww so much trouble!!!

Anyways we were thinking about going to Canberra for the weekend, but plans were changed and we ended up going to Stawell. Our first ever family holiday! We stayed at a place called Lake Fyans just in between Stawell and Halls Gap. We left Friday afternoon, and my lil car was packed to the brim.

We arrived at about 4.30pm after stopping for a quick break. It was good to see rain for a change!

This was the little cabin that we stayed in. It had an ensuite, a kitchen, sofa bed. It was really cosy and i didn't want to come home! It was so nice to get away from Bendigo for the weekend! To forget about looking at houses and searching for jobs. But the best thing was waking up to the view that we had from our cabin every morning. See pic below. It was just devine!! That is why i didn't want to come home.

So we went to the stawell gift on saturday and monday! It was different and I really enjoy athletics. We watched Tamsyn Lewis run and Patrick Johnson. And even seen Shearer from Big Brother. But i must add that he isn't the country boy that everyone thinks he is. Very much a pretty boy actually!!!

On sunday we went into Halls Gaps and walked to Venus Spas. I couldnt believe how close the fires came to the town. It was amazing. We actually walked through the fires to get the venus spas. I just couldn't stop thinking what happened if the fires burnt the town! It would of been so devasting.

It was good to be able to take Seb to Halls Gap. He loved it! He loved going up to people and running around and playing in the park! The little girl in this picture was so beautiful! She had her little akubra on and she was so cute!!

I was snap happy over the weekend! and seb had enough of me taking photos of him!!! Hehehehehe

It was the first time that adam and I have actaully stayed together since we broke up. There was a few moments but I must admit that it was a really good weekend! It was good to spend time with Adam and we enjoyed each others company which i think is very important. Especially for Sebs sake.

So back to reality now and back into the job hunting and house hunting!

Monday, April 10, 2006

First of All....

I would like send my congratulations to Gwyneth Paltrow for giving birth to a Boy named Moses!!!! Apple and Moses!!! aren't they going to be remember for the rest of their lives!!!

On that note!!! I signed up with two temp agencies last week and had an interview with one today! and got to do a typing test and alpha-numerical test which i did really well in!! Im going to go do an induction tomorrow and then i will become official on their books fors any temp work that comes available! So im pretty excited about that!!!

My weekend was really boring really didnt do much except exercise and went for a bike ride with my brother!! watched my dad play superrules footyball. (which is footy for the old farts)!!!

I started 8 weeks of job search training with my employment agency yesterday and i was so bored... i ended up doing a new resume for myself :) Next week i have 3 days of it!!! Ohhh im looking forward to that!!!

Nothing much really to update you with!! Still job hunting still house hunting still no luck with any so will keep plodding along!!

See Ya

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Is my body telling me something?

I think im getting old :) LOL!!! I think my body is telling me to have a rest or not work so hard. I woke up this morning with a very very sore left shoulder. i think from two days straights of pushing myself in weights, and tonite i just went for a 45 minute run :) and my right calf muscle is damn sore!!! like hurts to walk on! Yes im stretching !!!! Might just have a rest day tomorrow or go for a light walk. LOL!!! my exercise craving should end soon!!!!

By the way Beckie i had a look at those sites and didn't find anything that was me. So anyone out there that knows of anyone or any good sites that have templates for blogs could you let me know please.... Cheers time for hot shower and think about whats for tea!! Mmmmmm noodle box sounds YUM!!

Friday, April 07, 2006

Weigh in Week 10 - "The Craving Continues"

oh my god oh my god.. did we watch Biggest loser tonite.. the contestants are back!!!! i heard today that the person who left the house that has lost the most weight will be given a wild card!! MMmm that will make things interesting

Ok so i have been craving exercise this week and yesterday i had my PT session and then i went back into the gym for a work out, this morning i was up at 7.30 and went for a walk/run. It was bloody cold... but i was so damn proud of myself because i actually ran all the way from the res to my home street. which took me about 10 minutes... its the first time that i have done it... Yaaaahhhhhh ME!!!!!! And then i was in the gym tonite and I did pump... And pushed myself really really hard!!!! I now can't feel my arms after two days of intense weights!! Iam starting to feel that more positive that i be about things the better it is for me to loss tis weight!!

Sooooo today was weigh in and all this hard work and extra work has been paying off .... I lost 2.2% body fat this week!!!! I am so damn happy!!! that is alot in one week!! I was saying to sheree today in our slim meeting how i am seeing definition in my legs!! Its good!!! I am noticing changes to my body!! My double chin has got little and i am starting to fit into clothes that i havent been able to in a while!! My mind is feeling great, and im feeling optimistic about life!!! Im only young and i have so much to learn, but i just feel that if i have a healthy body i have a healthy mind!!

K im going to have a shower!!!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Thats what friends are for

Heya All

I had another intense PT session this morning and was yet again on the verge of vomiting!!! I think sheree just loves making me feel like it!!

But as you all know im a great friends with Beck and these days it has been hard to catch up with her!! Anyways she rang me today, and we spoke for ever!! I think we could talk each others ears off all day and night long if we got the chance :) would you agree beckie?? Anyways the point im getting at is that i was telling her today about how I hate feeling like im going to vomit and beckie being beckie made me look at it as a positive thing! She said to me " think of the sick feeling as a good feeling that you are working hard and your being pushed to your limits" And I was like yeah, I should look at this as a positive feeling! So thanks Becks you always know how to make situations better! Its good to have someone to talk to about mother issues and other general issues. I look at her as a mother figure in ways as she is a bit older than me, but so wise and knowledgable, and full of advise!! :)

So as you know she is heading back to work on Monday and i am so damn proud of her, so I am now incharge of getting our OFFICIAL lingerie website up and running once its done we will let everyone know!! Its going to take a bit but i have so much time on my hands it will keep me occupied.

I have been really focused over the last 3 days with my excerise as you know i have been addicted!!! I even went in to the gym again this afternoon and did a cardio session!! These cravings will stop soon!!! I also have been focused on job hunting, i had an interview with my employment agency and i will be doing some sessions over the next 8 weeks in interview techniques, resumes, job hunting blaah blaah, even though i don't have to go back to work i need to for the money! Anyways i thought why don't i put my name down for some temp work. so this morning after i had my PT session and went and looked at a house, i came home made myself look pretty and went took my resume in to, two temp employment agencies. So now i get to go and do the fun thing of having tests done to see how fast i type what skills i actually do have! So that will be interesting, as i don't really know how fast i type!!! Im looking forward to it.

Im trying to keep a positive outlook on everything! If i keep getting upset and think negatively about things then i am going to show that when i speak to people!

Well i have weigh in tomorrow, i excited to see how i have gone this week!

Im seeing Lil man tonite since i have not seen him since monday! Its been tough but i have focussed my energies in other areas so i wouldn't get upset about it..... until im lying in bed lookin at the empty cot! hopefully once i get a house it will be a bit easier on me as when i don't have him i can shut his bedroom door!! and won't have to worry about looking at an empty cot anymore.

Well better go and make the unit baby proof for my lil man.

Cheers Ya Ol'

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Ok so as you all know I am looking for a place to live, and ladies I really don't want to take all the lingerie that I have with me. SO PLEASE go check out the LINGERIE it all needs to go!!!! Tell your friends, tell your mum, tell your sisters your work collegues, tell everyone and tell your husbands!!


Monday, April 03, 2006

Im Craving Exercise

Yes im craving excercise!! I don't know why, of all things......why can't i be craving chocolate, or ice cream or lollies......?? My Bro and I went shopping yesterday and we brought him a bike. So we went for a huge big bike ride yesterday in the bush, it was lots of fun and very hard work on my legs.. but i was proud that i pushed my self up some steep hills!!! Sooo we got home after about an hour of bike riding and I was ok im off into the gym to do some weights!!! then i got home last nite, and I wanted to do more!!! I was up again this morning and into the gym and did an hour cardio session!!!! awww my poor "no bum" it is so sore after bike riding...... yet i got on the bike at gym today..... now im sitting here writing this blog and thinking about changing my clothes and going out for some more excerise!!! Im not feeling guilty about anything that is for sure, maybe its because im bored and i don't have lil man this week. So on that note im going to go and check my timetable and see what classes are on the gym and if there is nothing there that interests me i might go do some excerise around the res!

Thank you Beckie for your comments about seb and sleeping!! i appreciate it i tell you!!!!

Sunday, April 02, 2006


Happy Birthday my precious lil man.. Your finely a year old. How quickly the time flies :)
I thank you for so much for becoming part of my life and i treasure that smile of yours every day! Im a very lucky mum

Love You Lots of hugs and kisses


Saturday, April 01, 2006

My Lil Mans Day

Sooo my family came over today to celebrate Sebs birthday! It was a really nice day and we went to the park and had lunch and the lil ones had a play on the park. It was a really relaxing day. Seb got some money, so building blocks, some books, some music cds and a lil carasol that plays music. it was really beautiful! So I got some pictures below to share with you all.

This is me just showing you my progress so far

My nephew Taj and Seb eating pizza

Seb on a springing Sheep

If you look closely my dad has a napkin on his head. he forgot his hat!! Sexy Look Dad

This is my parsie!! he is just sooo cute!!! He forgot his hat too!!!

Thank you all for such a great Day!! I love when my family gets together!


Oh my god oh my God

Well my family is coming up today to celebrates Seb's birthday!! And i thought why don't i try on my favourite jeans and see if they fit me yet.. I have not been able to wear them since i was pregnant!! AND GUESS WHAT!!!!!! they fit me :) Ill get some photos today of my family, and my fav jeans :)