Firstly its not sore for that reason.. filthy minds!!
I went out with my dear friends binki and Row as binki is going to be a teacher in a small town near horsham...... so we were having some drinks before she went... what was going to be a early nite ended up being huge and lots of fun..
I was involved in a Jaga Train...... something different. they lined up all the jagas on the bar and one flick of the finger and they all fell into the glasses, it was awesome...
anways i consumed some alcohol which is soo not like me :) *grins* and was dancing on the podium at the nite club, jumped off and landed right on the corner of it on my arse... lucky it was a padded spot that i landed on..... i tell you i was breathless for a few moments and ouch!!!
Today i have looked at my poor bottom in the mirror and i have some bruising on it..... yeah yeah silly me thats what i get for having some fun..
So now i am watching A walk to remember on dvd and chilling out...... very tired after only a few hours sleep :)
Well everyone have an awesome weekend and my quote i leave you with today is
Hope your bum is better soon, and no, I did not think of anything grubby at all, NOT AT ALL !!! Have a neat weekend chick.
Oh fkn ouch ....
Oh and Cheers big ears!!! Just got back from friends..oh and have had some scotch.. woooohoooo
I loooooooves scotch..
Also sitting here with salami and corn chippies and cheese... oh bugga.... haha
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